We offer expert seo

Our Work


Deepblue has extensive experience of social media marketing and SEO.
The average Facebook user has 338 friends. In most cases, the majority of these friends will be of a similar age with similar interests. If just one of your Facebook followers likes or shares your post, it could be seen by their 338 contacts. And if just one of those contacts also happens to like your post, your company might get promoted to 676 different people. In an instant, at zero cost.

Ths is the science of virality. To use it right, you need a strategy.

Our Work


A Facebook triumph
We set up the iQuit-App FB page with just a video and some graphics yet, through a series of creative video and image posts, it’s amassed over a huge Facebook following.

18,500 Facebook followers

iRide App

Our flagship app product, iRide, built a gradual following on Facebook while the site was heavily optimised to be found in search engines under specific key words and phrases lwe knew would be used by potential clients searching for ski/snowboard app. This coordinated marketing and promotions campaign led to impressive download figures in the stores. Also, one of our YouTube videos went viral and gained over one million views.

3,600 Facebook followers
1M+ YouTube views

iQuitSmoking App

Similar to our SEO work, the iQuitSmoking site was heavily optimised for the search engines, helping drive traffic to the app stores. We also built an impressive following on social media – particularly from our viral infographic work.

3,300 Facebook followers


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on any of our products or services.