Use These Simple Hacks to Catch And Kill Cockroaches

June 20, 2023 deepbluemedia

Use These Simple Hacks to Catch And Kill Cockroaches

Use These Simple Hacks to Catch And Kill Cockroaches

Cockroaches are unwelcome visitors at any time, but they can be particularly bothersome during holidays when you’re trying to relax and enjoy your time. These resilient creatures can quickly turn a pleasant vacation into a nightmare – particularly if you happen to encounter the flying variety. That said, there are some very simple and effective hacks to catch and kill cockroaches, ensuring a pest-free environment for a more enjoyable holiday experience. Read on for more.

The Dangers of Cockroaches and Their Habits

Although not particularly life-threatening, cockroaches still pose various risks to both our health and living spaces. Below are some of the potential dangers of having cockroaches in your home or holiday space as well as their habits.

Cockroach Dangers

Disease transmission: Cockroaches can carry and spread harmful bacteria, such as Salmonella and E. coli, which can lead to food poisoning and other illnesses.
Allergies: Their droppings and shed skin can trigger allergic reactions in some individuals, causing respiratory issues and skin irritation.
Contamination: Cockroaches contaminate food, utensils, and surfaces they come into contact with, compromising hygiene and cleanliness.

Cockroach Habits

Hiding spots: Cockroaches prefer dark, warm, and moist environments, such as kitchens, bathrooms, and crawl spaces.
Nocturnal activity: They are primarily active at night, making it challenging to spot them during the day.
Rapid reproduction: Cockroaches breed rapidly, with a single female capable of producing thousands of offspring in her lifetime.

Ways to Catch and Kill Cockroaches

Thankfully there are some hugely effective (yet simple) methods to catch and kill cockroaches using just basic household items:

Orange Juice Trap

Pour some orange juice into a small plastic container and place it in areas where cockroaches are likely to gather. The scent will attract them, and they will drown in the liquid.

Plastic Bottle Trap

Cut off the top third of a plastic bottle and invert it into the base, creating a funnel shape. Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly on the inner walls to prevent cockroaches from climbing out. Place bait, such as bread or fruit, at the bottom to lure them in. Note, this technique is also highly effective with orange juice as listed above (see video)

Baking Soda and Sugar Mix

Create a lethal bait by mixing equal parts of baking soda and sugar. The sugar attracts cockroaches, while the baking soda acts as a deadly agent when ingested. Place small portions of the mixture in areas frequented by cockroaches.

Boric Acid Powder

Sprinkle boric acid powder along cockroach-infested areas, such as behind appliances, under sinks, and along baseboards. The powder adheres to their bodies, dehydrating and killing them over time.


While spending your holiday with cockroaches is far from ideal, these simple hacks can help you combat these unwelcome pests and regain your peace of mind. By using methods like the orange juice and plastic bottle traps, as well as using baking soda and boric acid, you can effectively catch and kill cockroaches in your living space. Remember, a pest-free environment contributes to a more enjoyable holiday experience, allowing you to fully relax and savour your time away.

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